Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Living Right

Thinking a lot lately and reflecting on the past year and about all the choices I made whether right or wrong. We all make wrong decisions and right ones, we're not perfect. Simple as that. In the past year so much in my life has changed most for the better and some seemed to have been temporary. I graduated, got a new job, started goin to a new church, lost friends, and then went back to the church I started at. Crazy, huh? God did all that in my life for a reason, don't know why but it doesn't really matter. I believe he lead me to a new church so I could meet new people who have had so much impact on my life the last couple months, and for the transition my old church was going through. He saved me from the emotional pain that I could have received from what was going on. And now as the transitions are still happening to an extent I am back where I started. And honestly, coming back now was the best time. Not because wow got a new pastor, or the fact that th youth pastors were leaving! But because God knew it was time for me to come back, not exactly sure why yet but I will find out. Because this year I am growing stronger, trusting, believing, and learning more about God! That's my goal is to become a strong woman in faith so that.I can witness to people so that they will want to be more like him!  Our pastor preached Sunday on "Building Solid Lives in 2013". He challenged us to challenge ourself to grow stronger in our spiritual life, and to start out with just a relationship with Christ! But honestly the way I'm looking at it as is I have a relationship but its not a friendship or anything like that, its more of just a acquaintance... Yes, I know that sound bad! But you got to start somewhere. What's crazy is the fact that I've been going to church since I was a baby, but that doesn't mean I've made the right choices or lived like I should have! And I'll be completely honest. I haven't lived for Christ. I'm not pleased with myself for that, but I can't change the past I can only live for the future now. And my future will be filled with joy, happiness, and faith with a relationship with God that I am going to works on for the rest of my life. Another thing about what my pastor preached about on Sunday was the 3 basic materials to build a solid spiritual life: prayer, bible reading, and last but not least journaling. With those 3 things you will be on your way with an amazing way to start your new year, your faith, and believing in God! I challenge this to whoever is reading this to do this with me! Just commit yourself to God that you will follow his word everyday and live by it! So others will see the joy in your life and will want the same thing! Be a light in this world, and spread the word by living by it! Don't forget the most important thing, pray, and read your bible and soak in his word. Don't just read it and say you are living by his word when you aren't even trying to understand it and learn what you become! That's all for my preaching of the night! Ephesians 2:10 is a great verse about this. It talks about letting your life be the canvas and God is the artist painting your life it's going to be! Remember that! I'm gonna close this out with a prayer,  and I hope that when your reading this that you will also pray with it! " Dear Lord, I want to thank you for dying on the cross for my sins, and forgiving me for it everyday. Lord I pray that as I start to learn more about you that you will give me the strength to not give and not  let down! Amen"

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