Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back to normal? Well, maybe not.

I wrote this on June 25th 2010. Right before my sister's 12th birthday. I had a lot on my mind since her birthday was the very next day.

After a while you would think that you would go back to normal. Like have the same routine, i guess? Sit, hang out, and talk to the same people. But it doesn't happen like that. Nothing is going to be the same. Think about it, how are you going to go back to doing the same old thing you were doing before everything happened? When something major happens like losing a loved one that you saw all the time. How do you get through those day or the times your just having a rough day? Do you just lie around all day and be in a bad mood? What if your one of those people who think if you say their name around certain people that thier going to start crying, do you just not talk about that person infront of them? Even if they say it's alright. It's because you feel uncomfortable talking about them. Bit the question iswhen or willyou ever get back to having a normal like? Maybe so! I guess nothing will go back to being completely normal. It'll be different at first. But it's like your getting to start over..Finding a new life. Trying new things that you've never done before. It can be fun and exciting! But, also kinda hard. You can get through it though.

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